Weekly Flu Surveillance Reports

What is flu surveillance?

To properly understand what’s happening with flu throughout the community, we track these and other indicators:

  • Hospitalizations
  • Fatalities
  • Sales of over-the-counter medications
  • School absenteeism

By doing this each year, we can identify trends and patterns that help us with prevention and treatment efforts.

When does flu season begin?

We conduct surveillance from October through May. Typically, a peak in flu activity is seen during the months of December, January and February.

It is never too late to get your flu shot

While it best to get your flu shot early in the fall (September, October), you can get it at any time during flu season. It takes 10-14 days for the vaccine to fully protect your body, so don’t wait until flu activity picks up and the risk of getting flu is greater.

Most insurances cover the cost and the vaccine is widely available throughout our county.

To find a place near you, enter your zip code on the vaccine finder page.

You may also contact the CCBH clinic to make an appointment:

We have moved our reporting from weekly PDF files to a live data dashboard.

Please click here to visit our Respiratory Illness Surveillance Dashboard. Data and information about COVID-19 and RSV is also available there.