Child Fatality Review Data Dashboard
Program Contacts
Holly Galicki, RN
Program Manager
216.201.2000 ext 1321
Alexis Ipsaro, MPH
216.201.2000 ext 1625
The Cuyahoga County Child Fatality Review (CFR) Board is a group of dedicated professionals committed to reducing child fatalities and improving the safety and the well-being of children in our community.
The CCBH Epidemiology team is responsible for analysis and dissemination of outcomes produced by the CFR Board.
Dashboard is best viewed on desktop or laptop.
For full screen viewing, click button on bottom right corner of dashboard.
Links to reports from past years can be found below.
To provide context for the dashboard, we offer a glossary, which covers many of the commonly-used terms and concepts relative to the data.
You may also view past annual reports dating back to 2010.
Featured Report
A person under one year of age.
Neonatal Period
The time period for all infants from their date of birth through the 27th day of life.
Post-neonatal Period
The time period for all infants from the 28th day of life until the day before their first birthday.
A person who has not yet reached their 18th birthday (all references to “child” in this report specify which age group/range is being discussed).
Cause of Death
Event that causes a physical problem, no matter how brief or prolonged, that leads to a child’s death.
Manner of Death
Description of circumstances under which a child died, for which there are five categories:
- Natural – the death is a consequence of natural disease.
- Accident – unintended and essentially unavoidable death, not by a natural, suicidal, or homicidal manner.
- Suicide – death caused by self, with some degree of conscious intent.
- Homicide – death caused by another human.
- Undetermined – not enough evidence, yet or ever, to determine the manner of death.
Any birth that occurs before 37 completed weeks of gestation.
Sleep-related Deaths
Affects infants under the age of one year and occurs while sleeping. They can be classified as these three types:
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
A sudden, unexplained death of an infant less than one-year-old. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that after an extensive review of the infant’s medical history, a complete autopsy, and a death scene investigation, no cause can be identified. - Accidental Suffocation
A result of another person lying on the baby, wedging of the baby, or the baby’s face in a soft surface such as a pillow, blanket, or bumper pad. - Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID)/Undetermined
Ruled as the cause of death when an exact reason cannot be found, but the scene investigation indicates that there were dangers in the baby’s sleep area.
All Other Races
A person who does not have ancestry in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or Africa. This includes people who indicate their race is not “white” or “black,” such as American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, as well as ethnicities such as Hispanic.
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. This includes people who self-report their race as “Black” on demographic documents.
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.
A person having ancestry in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. This includes people who self-report their race as “White” on demographic documents.
Measure that indicates how often an event is occurring during a certain time period. It is calculated by taking the count of an event during a specific time period and dividing this number by the population that is at risk for experiencing the event during the time period. Rates are often expressed in units of 10, such as per 100, per 1,000, or per 100,000.
Example – The infant mortality rate (IMR) is expressed as the number of deaths that occurred among infants from one to 364 days old who were born alive during a given year, divided by the number of live births that occurred in the same year, multiplied by 1,000.
Comparison made between two things; the fraction formed by the division of one amount by another. Example: The population of Anytown, USA, was 100,000. It had 40,000 dwelling units. The ratio of people to dwelling units was 2.5 (100,000 divided by 40,000 equals 2.5).
The general direction in which data are headed over a period of time. It often is demonstrated by placing a line in a chart. There needs to be a minimum of two data points to start a trend line, but as a general rule, most researchers prefer a minimum of six data points to predict a trend.
Term used to describe a difference between two groups. Example: If the White infant mortality rate (IMR) was lower than the Black IMR, a racial disparity exists because one racial group (Black) has a higher rate of infant deaths compared to another racial group (White).
Fair and just distribution of resources and opportunities in order to ensure the possibility for similar outcomes for residents within the community.
First Ring Suburbs of Cleveland
Municipalities whose borders touch some portion of the city of Cleveland.
Outer Ring Suburbs of Cleveland
Municipalities whose borders do not touch some portion of the city of Cleveland.
Past Annual Reports
- 2022 Child Fatality Report
- 2021 Child Fatality Report
- 2020 Child Fatality Report
- 2019 Child Fatality Report
- 2018 Child Fatality Report
- 2017 Child Fatality Report
- 2016 Child Fatality Report
- 2015 Child Fatality Report
- 2014 Child Fatality Report
- 2013 Child Fatality Report
- 2012 Child Fatality Report
- 2011 Child Fatality Report
- 2010 Child Fatality Report