Lead Prevention

Stephanie McConoughey
Program Manager
216.201.2001 ext 1244

Elizabeth Ludtke
Grant Coordinator
216.201.2001 ext 1250

Lead from paint, dust and soil in and around your home can cause serious health hazards.
Many homes that were built before 1978 still contain lead-based paint.

Lead poisoning is the most common chronic poisoning and environmental illness in the United States.

Lead poisoning is the elevation of the lead level in the body. It may cause damage to the brain and nervous system resulting in behavioral and learning problems, slowed growth and hearing problems. Even low levels of lead in the blood have been linked to lower IQ levels.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has defined an Elevated Blood Lead Level (EBL) as a level higher than 10 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). In 2007, the Greater Cleveland Lead Advisory Council adopted a local action level of 5 µg/dL.

The CCBH Lead Poisoning Prevention Program offers a wide range of services with the ultimate goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning. We also provide testing of the home and screening for elevated blood lead levels in children younger than six years-old

The Cleveland Department of Public Health maintains its own lead poisoning prevention program for residents of the City of Cleveland. Contact them at 216.263.5323.


Lead is especially dangerous to children under the age of six years-old

Children can be exposed to lead from dust or paint chips that have been created through the deterioration of the house windows, doors, porch floors and siding.

Young children often put their hands and toys in their mouths that may have lead dust on them.

Soil can be tracked into the home and again transferred to hands and toys since children spend a significant amount of time on the floor.

Children that seem healthy may have dangerous levels of lead in their bodies.

The only way to know if your child has been exposed to lead is to get your child and your home tested.


Services we provide