5550 Venture Drive Parma, OH 44130 Business/After Hours: 216-201-2000 WE WANT YOUR OPINION
Man Holding Red Aids Ribbon, Hiv/aids And Aging Awareness Month Concept

 Program Contacts

Monica Baker, MSW, LSW 
Ryan White Part A Grant Supervisor
(216) 201-2000 ext. 1535
Brittanie Evans, BS
Ryan White Part A Grant Coordinator
(216) 201-2000 ext. 1316


Were you recently diagnosed as HIV+ and don’t know where to turn?

Were you receiving treatment but dropped out of care and want to reconnect with a doctor?

Were you receiving care but moved and need to find a new physician?

If you or someone you know is living with HIV/AIDS, the Ryan White Part A Program can help. This program provides HIV-related services throughout Northeast Ohio to those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with the disease.

HIV-positive people who:

  • Are uninsured or under-insured
  • Live in one of the following OH counties: Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, or Medina
  • Meet the program’s income guidelines

To determine if you qualify for the program, contact the Ryan White Office at 216.201.2000.  They will put you in touch with a provider who can help determine your eligibility

  • Photo ID
  • Proof of Residency (must reside in Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, or Medina counties)
  • Proof of HIV Status
  • Proof of Income
  • Proof of Insurance (if applicable)

All Ryan White Part A service providers must adhere to their established system for client grievances about the operation of the service program. Complaints and grievances against the service provider related to Ryan White Part A grant supported services should be properly recorded for review by the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. If you are a Ryan White Part A client dissatisfied with your Part A service, please follow the established grievance process with the provider.  Should you remain dissatisfied after the provider grievance process is completed, please contact (216) 201-2001 ext. 1535.


