Get Care – Cleveland TGA Programs and Services
Program Contacts
Monica Baker, MSW, LSW
Ryan White Part A Grant Supervisor
(216) 201-2000 ext. 1535
Brittanie Evans BS
Ryan White Part A Grant Coordinator
(216) 201-2000 ext. 1316
Are you or someone you know in need of HIV care?
Were you recently diagnosed as HIV+ and don’t know where to turn?
Were you receiving treatment but dropped out of care and want to reconnect with a doctor?
Were you receiving care but moved and need to find a new physician?
If you or someone you know is living with HIV/AIDS, the Ryan White Part A Program can help. This program provides HIV-related services throughout Northeast Ohio to those who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources for coping with the disease.
Who is eligible for Ryan White services through the Cuyahoga County Board of Health?
HIV-positive people who:
- Are uninsured or under-insured
- Live in one of the following OH counties: Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, or Medina
- Meet the program’s income guidelines
What services are offered?
- Early Intervention Services
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Food Bank/Home-Delivered Meals
- Home Health Care
- Home and Community-Based Health Care
- Housing & Benefits (Non-Medical Case Management)
- Legal Services
- Medical Case Management
- Medical Transportation
- Mental Health Services
- Nutrition Therapy
- Oral Health Care (Dental Care)
- Primary Medical Care (Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services)
- Support Groups (Psychosocial Support Services)
For additional information about eligibility, services, and local providers, please call the Ryan White Office at 216.201.2000.
How do I know if I qualify for services?
To determine if you qualify for the program, contact the Ryan White Office at 216.201.2000. They will put you in touch with a provider who can help determine your eligibility
What do I have to bring with me to apply for services?
- Photo ID
- Proof of Residency (must reside in Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, or Medina counties)
- Proof of HIV Status
- Proof of Income
- Proof of Insurance (if applicable)
Links & Resources
- Current HIV Services Newsletter: December 2022 Issue
- To view a list of current FY 2023 providers, please click here.
- To view the Ryan White Services Brochure, please click here.
- Love Leads Here! Social Media Campaign
Grievances / Issue Resolution
All Ryan White Part A service providers must adhere to their established system for client grievances about the operation of the service program. Complaints and grievances against the service provider related to Ryan White Part A grant supported services should be properly recorded for review by the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. If you are a Ryan White Part A client dissatisfied with your Part A service, please follow the established grievance process with the provider. Should you remain dissatisfied after the provider grievance process is completed, please contact (216) 201-2001 ext. 1535.