
Radon is a naturally occurring, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas.  It comes from the earth and may enter your home from below the foundation through cracks in the floors, walls, and holes in the foundation from drains and sump pumps.  Radon levels are generally higher in the basement of ground floor rooms that are in contact with the soil.

Contact the Ohio Department of Health for a FREE test kit.

When the gas is inhaled, the radioactive particles can damage you lung tissue and cause lung cancer. The only way to know if you home has high levels of radon, is to test.

Testing your home is easy and inexpensive.  You can do it yourself through a short-term test kits, which can be mailed to a laboratory for analysis.

If your test results shows radon levels of 4.0 pCi/L or greater, contact an Ohio licensed radon mitigation professional.

Contact the Ohio Department of Health for a FREE test kit.

