Feed Our Future: Local Foods for Growing Minds
Every child has access to fresh, healthy, and local foods (when available) no matter where they go to school.
Priority Population
Students in grades K-12
For more information about Feed Our Future and to get involved, please visit www.feedourfuture.org
What is the problem we are working to address?
- 1 in 5 children under 18 in Cuyahoga County are food insecure
- 1 in 10 students in Cuyahoga County are eligible for free school meals
- Only 1 in 10 school districts in Ohio purchase local foods for their meal programs
Why does it matter? What is the value proposition?
- Child nutrition programs play an important role in fighting childhood hunger and improving childhood health
- The school food supply chain is an economic opportunity for small and medium sized farms and food businesses
- School nutrition professionals need more support to increase their capacity to menu, teach, and serve local foods
- Youth can play an important role to advocate for local foods among their peers and in their schools
What are the solutions? What are we doing about it?
- Help schools increase their local food purchases through a farm to school bid
- Engage students through Totally Tasty events to encourage them to try new foods
- Create a network of local food advocates to drive policy and system changes
Key Partners